
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Men's Rights Rosa Parks

"The Men's Rights Rosa Parks" Alex Baker is the Men's Rights Rosa Parks. He is willing to go to jail rather than obey an unconstitutional and discriminatory law. Like so many other people - mostly men - Los Angeles music composer Alex Baker is a victim of California's unfair and discriminatory law called the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, the "DVPA". Alex had his children taken away from him. His name was entered into the criminal database along with murderers and pedophiles. He has been gagged, disallowed from posting documents and discussing his case in public. And just what was his crime? His "domestic violence"? Alex won a copyright infringement lawsuit against his ex business partner, who also happens to be his ex wife. Alex made an internet blog where he posted court documents and discussed what appears to be corruption in the music business. He contacted business associates and threatened to file anoth...

Why Do Courts Tolerate Perjury?

I, Alexander Baker, hereby accuse Clara Veseliza Baker, aka Clair Marlo, of the crime of perjury. That a litigant would lie under oath to win in court is not surprising to me. What is surprising is that the Courts allow and even seem to encourage perjury. That is my purpose in this post - to encourage a discussion on why courts allow perjury. I brought the below evidence and argument to the Court, who would not consider it. After you listen to the recordings of the  phone calls in question, and consider the facts, see if you don't agree. And then ask yourself why Courts routinely allow clear perjury to  stand. In my view, it is court corruption. Here is Credit Card Phone Call #1: Here is Credit Card Phone Call #2: Singer-songwriter Clair Marlo has already been found liable for copyright infringement. My civil case against her for fraud and conversion is pending. Two top handwriting experts have already found that what purport to be my signatures on mul...